The less people are experienced in marketing, the more they want to have a say in marketing. Because they believe their “intuition” rocks? Well, their intuition doesn’t rock. A lot of principles in marketing are counter-intuitive to non-marketeers. Let’s look at just one.
The BIG LOGO struggle
We still see clients asking for a bigger logo. And our answer is clear: “no, we will not make the logo bigger”. We can make the logo smaller. As small as we possibly can (in line with the purpose of the action of course). Why? Because a logo that is too big, carries nothing else than negativity.
- A big logo is the equivalent of shouting. When you are knowledgeable, you do not need to shout.
- A big logo is a sign of insecurity. When you are confident, you don’t feel the need to make things look bigger.
- A big logo is very distracting. It is too much in your face. Smart companies focus on the message and the value they create.
- A big logo is old school company-centric. Successful companies put the customer first. They think customer-centric. Making the logo bigger than the message shows that you feel more important than your customer. Don’t.
- A big logo conveys a misplaced sense of pride. It naively says “look, I am bigger than my competitors”. Great companies are confident and don’t need to feel bigger than others.
- A big logo can harm your brand. Think of the French saying “le nom d’un fou se trouve partout”.
So please, respect your brand, keep it simple and … stop asking for big logo’s.