Category Archives: Simplicity

Ten years of Galland & partners – the learnings.

In 2009 we exchanged the corporate safety net for a less secure existence as independent entrepreneurs.
Some said: “Congratulations”
Others said: “Are you crazy or what!?”

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“It is not what you think it is”

Marketing is no longer about telling the world how great your products and services are.

Marketing is not what you think it is.
It is more counter-intuitive than you think. 

“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.” said the legendarey Harvard marketing professor Theodore Levitt. And actually, we do not even want that hole either !
What we really want is: to hang shelves or frames, and make our home the nicest place on earth. The hole is just a little step in between the product and the experience.

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Simplification is not rocket science

Your product or service can be complex or hard to build.
That’s why you have a complex story to start with.
But what people buy from you must make their lives easier.
That’s why you need to listen carefully and simplify your story.

At, we offer a simplification trail to transform your company into a future-proof organisation that is loved by its customers.

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