Category Archives: Social media

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Gallandbe_Marketing_Jaarboek_2012“Word of mouth”: nieuw of van alle tijden?

Word of mouth is de snelste en meest persoonlijke vorm van communicatie tussen individuen. We denken aan buzz, consumer-generated content, referrals, social media, brand ambassadors en influencers. Nieuw? Integendeel, word of mouth is des mensen, zo oud als de straat, maar staat weer volop in de belangstelling doordat deze beproefde communicatievorm het ongelooflijke voordeel heeft geloofwaardig te zijn.
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RIP Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as we know it

No doubt, technical SEO will remain important for the rest of our lives, the better your site is indexed and the better you comply with indexing guidelines and meta-data conventions, the better your results will be. But this is merely a prerequisite for being successful.
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Still want to be in business by 2020?

If you still want to be in business by 2020, you need to come up with a smart online strategy.  A strategy that is different from what most companies do (showing off how great they are).
What does that mean? In the first place you have to ban company-centric thinking and make sure the content of your site is relevant to your audience. To be successful, whatever you do is “all about the customer, and not about you”.

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