Tag Archives: Customer centricity

I like and I recommend

Gallandbe_Marketing_Jaarboek_2012“Word of mouth”: nieuw of van alle tijden?

Word of mouth is de snelste en meest persoonlijke vorm van communicatie tussen individuen. We denken aan buzz, consumer-generated content, referrals, social media, brand ambassadors en influencers. Nieuw? Integendeel, word of mouth is des mensen, zo oud als de straat, maar staat weer volop in de belangstelling doordat deze beproefde communicatievorm het ongelooflijke voordeel heeft geloofwaardig te zijn.
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Customers are unique

Customer intimacy as competitive advantage for the further growth and profit of your company
For a start, it feels good to believe you have satisfied customers, doesn’t it? But that in itself is not sufficient to ensure the further growth of your company. Satisfied customers have positive feelings towards your company, but they also look and shop elsewhere. They are not won forever. They can walk away from you at any point in time, looking out for other options, or being won for something else. Sometimes they may even go for worse alternatives, which on top of that, give them an even better feeling, based on highly subjective criteria.

If you think you cannot do anything about this, don’t continue reading. If you would like to find out how to have an impact on this matter, go on reading.

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